Monday, September 21, 2009

Hi, My name is Mary, a fun loving grandmother blessed with three wonderful grandchildren, 2 boys and a beautiful girl. I grew up with my own grandmother in South Florida surrounded by pools, sand and surf.
It wasn’t until my children were grown that a friend talked me into borrowing a sewing machine and taking a local quilt class where I learned not only how to sew but to quilt. I became fascinated with all the fabrics and how you could cut them up to make any design you wanted them to be. It wasn’t long before I, like most quilters, became addicted to fabric.
After a few years of “piecing” my own quilts, I longed to learn the next step, the actual process of quilting the top, back and batting together to make the quilt. I talked my dear husband Charles, into converting our two-car garage into a quilt studio. “Oh My, Where would he put all that junk we have collected over the years!” That’s a whole new story!
Three months later I had a new quilt studio and a top of the line long-arm quilting machine, a Gammil Classic Plus with a 14-foot hydraulic table. I do have a wonderful husband!
My next step was back to class to learn how to use my new machine. I officially opened my long-arm quilting business, “Island Quilts” in January 2006. I enjoy adding to another persons work to compliment their piecing making each and every quilt beautiful. With the help of Connie who owns “Stepping Stones Quilt Shop” located on beautiful St. Simons Island my business has continued to grow and become a success! Connie carries the largest inventory of quilting cotton in South East Georgia over 5000 bolts! She also has all kinds of quilting books, sewing notions and her husband both sells and repairs featherweight machines. If you are ever in the area this is a must see shop!
What started as a dream is now a reality. I generally quilt between 6 to 15 customer quilts per month and I love every moment. Although I still have an addiction to new fabrics and continue to collect both fabric and quilt kits I no longer have the time to sit and piece for myself. When I am asked, if I can make someone a quilt from start to finish I refer them to my good friend and fellow quilter, Laurie - of Nanas Needles and Thread. She is a whiz with a needle and thread. No matter if it is a small baby quilt, bed size quilt or a memory quilt of pictures and t-shirts Laurie can turn your imagination into a reality. She is listed in my favorites, so be sure to visit her site as well.
When I am not in the studio quilting my time is generally split between my family and quilt friends, quilt shows and retreats.
I hope that you will continue to visit me here and if you have a quilt top you have made or just material you would like quilted to use for seat cushion covers, purses, tableclothes or an idea of your own you can contact me at

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